52cm long, 36cm hc….
Born at 12-18pm, 18/08/08!
Welcome to the world little big boy!
Finally! Yay! The little one has arrived!
well, not so little lol!
They have not yet decided on a middle name, I will let you all know as soon as I do!
On a sad note, me being all sick with the flu at the moment, I was unable to go down there to meet him yet, and will have to wait until this flu has passed, as I would never forgive myself if the lil big one caught the flu from us :(
So c’mon bloody flu, piss off aleady, I want to go meet my nephew!!!Here is the gorgeous boy with my Dad, who is a Proud Grandaddy for the 4th time now, as I have two other nephews to my sister Cass who lives over the other side of Oz, plus my lil girl, makes this lilbig boy the 4th grandchild in the family.
Oh and soon to be followed by the birth of my younger step-sisters baby who is due in a few weeks!! My Step sis is called Sarah, and she also lives in another state…but I’m pretty sure they’ll all make the trip down to melb over xmas and we’ll get to meet their new arrival too!!
I’m just sooo hanging to get there and take loads of photos of the lil big boy!
patience is not one of my better virtues! :)
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